Experience the Honors Program
Honors Program students come from around Georgia, around the U.S., and around the globe. They build community at Georgia Tech by living together in Eighth Street Apartments, learning together in Honors Program classes, and attending events and participating in programming throughout the year.
Here are some snapshots of the HP experience.
Students in the HP
Top 5 Majors
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Percentage Women/Men
Composition of Students
Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Multiracial
Underrepresented Minority Students
Georgia Residents
Out-of-State Residents
International Students
Resources & Support
Student : Professor Ratio
HLC student committees
HLC student leaders
Full-time staff members
Engaged People Make Our Community Great
Honors Program students are the co-creators of all that we do in the HP. They help shape our vision and mission, plan events, and provide leadership through the Honors Leadership Council (HLC).

The Honors Leadership Council (HLC) is a collection of students that serves to enhance the overall Honors Program experience.

Our Students
Honors Program students are curious, eager for an active learning environment, and willing to share their ideas with others.

Our Alumni
The HP welcomed its first class in fall 2006. Since then, there are almost 2,000 alums of the Honors Program.